Logo Design Case Study: Evimero Psychology
Commenced Project: 2024
Major areas of design completed: Brand analysis and logo design
Psychologist business analysis and interpreting logo design
Beginning working with Emma was a fantastic, eye-opening experience. She demonstrated and described a lot of information about her new business, about being a clinical psychologist. The issues that she described that her clients suffered from included depression, anxiety disorders, OCD and personality challenges. Unfortunately for her suffers, they generally came across as quiet suffers and very sensitive in nature.
With that being said the suffers were generally very hopeful and optimistic. Her clients are often observant & reflective and she wants to make them feel empowered. She wants to normalise introversion and divergent thinking of her clients. She wants to encourage curiosity, exploration, collaboration with her clients, creativity, thoughtfulness and science backed methods.
Emma wanted to appear inviting to her client, which she comes across as naturally as an individual. She wants hope for her clients, and for them to step away back into their lives with a greatest sense of understanding, freedom and confidence. She describes herself as a “springboard” for her clients which I felt like was a great analogy in what she does. She can allow people to feel empowered and that they are on the journey with her but also using the tools and skills that she provides to allow them to grow as an individual.
Psychologists conduct their treatment of clients in many ways, and for Emma at Evimero, it was warm, caring and a springboard.
Identifying the types of clients, and the psychologist as an individual.
For me as a brand designer, especially in the psychology space, I wanted the logo to reflect her methodology and her commitment to her clients. Emma is a very inviting person someone who wanted to help others. Whilst Emma doesn’t always have female clients it’s safe to assume that the majority her clients would be female. So, that meant using a style that appealed mostly to females whilst not discrediting any male clients.
Key visual symbol theories and elements behind the psychology logo design
The symbol visual is extremely important in this logo design as it carries a lot of weight to what happens in and out of her telehealth meetings with clients. You could argue that there’s a certain disconnect between psychologist and client, when using video, even though it may be more comfortable initially for the client. I wanted the symbol be packed full of meaning and feeling behind it. This methodology includes the feeling of zen and being comfortable, feeling loved, a springboard (as mentioned prior), and feeling cared for as depicted with a hug.
The logo as a whole should also appear very modern as the way of communicating is a modern way of conducting psychology sessions. It also translates in a positive manner to the way Emma conduct her business and there’s a correlation with her age, also.
Finally, in regards to colour, the meaning of those selected is similar to the way the practice is conducted. Generally speaking, pink, teal and a soft cream colour will appeal to her target audience and the way the she conducts her practice. The colours are inviting, appealing and clients will instantly feel cared for and appreciated.
Time to reinvent your brand?
Hopefully this insight has allowed you to see the depth and consideration that I put into branding. I'd love to work together to ensure your brand has the same.